MICHIGAN, USA — Election Day is finally here, and many are wondering if their ballots will be counted depending on what writing utensils they use to fill it out.
Some polling places in West Michigan are providing Sharpies for voters to mark their ballots, leading to some concerns if their ballot will be tossed if the pen bleeds through. Indelible Ink For Election Campaign

“The quick answer to that is Sharpies are completely fine to mark your ballot with,” Justin Roebuck with the Ottawa County Clerk's Office said. “In fact, they're actually a preferred method of marking your ballot if you're actually in the precinct."
Tabulator manufacturers recommend using the markers on ballots because the ink dries quickly and will not leave residue on the ballot scanner, the Michigan Department of State website says.
If the marker does bleed through to the other side of the ballot, the paper is designed so the marker residue doesn't touch or come near a voting area on the other side of the ballot.
If you prefer not to use a Sharpie, you can use a black or blue pen instead, local election officials say.
We've recv'd questions abt Sharpie markers used to vote at #Kent County polls. Sharpies are the preferred device of our election equipment vendor. Black or blue pen also acceptable for proper tabulating. Bleed through is not a concern as ballots are programmed to ignore bleed.
This claim from the rumor mill spread in the aftermath of the 2020 election.
That year, an Arizona community filed a lawsuit against their county, alleging their ballots had been 'canceled' due to using Sharpie pens. The claim was later debunked.
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