A dump truck traveling on FM 1008 Tuesday stalled out at the most inopportune moment just as it crossed the Union Pacific rail line. At about the same time, an eastbound locomotive was passing through.
The driver of the dump truck, unable to get the truck moving, hopped out of the truck and moved away from the scene before the train collided with the dump truck, according to a Union Pacific spokesperson. No injuries were reported for the truck driver or the UP employees. Grapple Attachment For Dump Trailer

“It can take a whole mile to bring a train to a stop at times,” said the UP spokesperson.
The Liberty County Sheriff’s Office was notified of the crash. Kenefick Volunteer Fire Department firefighters assisted at the scene with traffic control.
Really now … If he was having mechanical issues he was obviously rolling slow enough to stop before attempting to cross the track … what was he thinking ?? Oh that’s right he wasn’t …

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