
Unsure how to build big shoulders without dumbbells or barbells? Here are a few cable shoulder exercises to boost your gains and develop capped, boulder shoulders.

The shoulders are made up of three separate muscles — the anterior, posterior and lateral heads. Let's take a look at the five most effective cable shoulder exercises to target all three heads for healthy, 3D shoulders: Cable Home Gym

5 Cable Shoulder Exercises to Build Bigger Delts

Lagging front delts are uncommon among lifters, as most gym-goers typically overdo push movements like the bench and overhead press. If you're one of the unlucky few struggling to develop anterior delts, cable front raises are among the best cable shoulder exercises you can add to your workout plan.

Side delts are responsible for creating shoulder width. If you want an amazing V-taper, cable lateral raises are one of the best cable shoulder exercises you should add to your routine. Cable lateral raises are much better than traditional shoulder raises due to the constant tension provided by the cable. They also come in several variations.

The rear delts are the most underdeveloped and neglected muscle group among lifters. Cable shoulder exercises like the reverse fly are ideal for targeting this muscle.

Any lifter who desires healthy, pain-free shoulders must perform face pulls. Face pulls are one of the top cable shoulder exercises to build the external rotators, traps, and rear delts.

This is an excellent alternative to dumbbell shoulder press and barbell press. The constant tension on the cable makes it one of the best cable shoulder exercises to work all three heads of the delts together. If you've hit a plateau on other overhead pressing movements, try this exercise to stimulate fresh gains.

Performing cable shoulder exercises is an excellent way to break the monotony of usual shoulder training and add a new stimulus to grow the shoulders. Choose one movement for each delt, and perform them two to three times a week to build big, capped and healthy shoulders.

5 Cable Shoulder Exercises to Build Bigger Delts

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