Do Shilajit, Other Rock Extracts Boost the Immune System?
Do Shilajit, Other Rock Extracts Boost the Immune System? Beauveria Bassiana Products

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The Claim: Minerals and acids taken from rocks, including shale in the U.S. and tar from India, are good for your health. Rock ingredients vary, but can include fulvic and humic acids, and dozens of metals and minerals including iron, zinc, gold and silver, scientists say. Proponents say these ingredients soothe inflammation, boost the immune system and act as an antioxidant. A well-known rock-based treatment is shilajit, (pronounced shil-a-jeet), a tar-like substance scraped from rocks in the Himalayas.
The Verdict: "There is no known benefit of shilajit or other rock extracts" and they haven't been adequately tested for safety in humans, says Philip J. Gregory, a pharmacist at, which does independent testing on dietary supplements. Composition of rock-based therapies may vary from sample to sample, so it's hard to be sure exactly what you're getting, he adds.
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